
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Ice Castle~ By Shannon the Ice Queen NNY

I am so excited to post this blog! Shannon is a pretty amazing lady and I was more than happy to be apart of such an unique and exciting winter experience. I will let her give you all of the information about what it really took to make this happen. I am just here to show her hard work off to you all.

From your NNY Ice Maker~

I'm not one to sit around and I do love the winter, all the snow, the cold, and the outdoors! I have made some ice creations before but this one was my biggest project yet! At first I was trying to make an igloo but I think i made it too big and I would of needed too many ice blocks to complete it, more than I cared to make! So I decided to turn it into a castle instead with all kinds of neat finishing touches! I added two chairs, a table, ice serving tray, and ice glasses.
In the end my creation had over 800 pieces of colorful ice! In order to make this I used 21 bread loaf pans, 4 cans of Pam, 10 boxes of neon food coloring. For the top row I used balloons, and an odd shaped cake pan. To hold all the blocks and pieces together I used a mixture of snow and water, it acted like a glue.
Who knows what I will create next year?